‘King Khan’ Shah Rukh Khan has won the hearts of millions once more. Several pictures and photos of SRK attendeding an event at the Global Village in Dubai on Sunday and interacting with his fans there have now made their way to social media and are going viral. In one of these videos, we see Khan talking about his friends who hail from the film industries in South India.
While there, Shah Rukh Khan not only reveals who his friends in South India are but also revealed the one request he has for those Pan-India stars.
Shah Rukh Khan: I have a lot of friends from South India
In one the many videos shared on X (formerly Twitter), we see Shah Rukh Khan opening up about the many friends he has in the South Indian film industries. The actor – while interacting with fans from Kerala, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, says, “I have a lot of friends (from South India). Allu Arjun, Prabhas, Ram Charan, Yash, Mahesh Babu, Vijay Thalapathy, Rajini(kanth) sir, Kamal (Haasan) sir… but I have one request for them.”
Wondering what’s the request? Well, King Khan said, “They need to stop dancing so fast; it’s hard for me to keep up with them.” Fans were thrilled to see him name these actors as his friends, with numerous fan pages of these actors also sharing the video. Check it out here:
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